
MVC Skeleton Application

If you want to use zend-mvc to build Model-View-Controller (MVC) applications, we recommend you start with our skeleton application.

Installation using Composer

The easiest way to create a new Zend Framework project is to use Composer. If you don't have it already installed, then please install it per their documentation.

To create your new Zend Framework project:

$ composer create-project zendframework/skeleton-application path/to/install

Once installed, you can test it out immediately using PHP's built-in web server:

$ composer serve

This will start the PHP cli-server on port 8080, and bind it to all network interfaces.

Note: The built-in CLI server is for development only.

Using Vagrant

This skeleton includes a Vagrantfile based on Ubuntu 14.04, and using the ondrej/php PPA to provide PHP 7.0. Start it up using:

$ vagrant up

Once built, you can also run composer within the box. For example, the following will install dependencies:

$ vagrant ssh -c 'composer install'

While this will update them:

$ vagrant ssh -c 'composer update'

While running, Vagrant maps your host port 8080 to port 80 on the virtual machine; you can visit the site at http://localhost:8080/

Using docker-compose

The skeleton also provides a docker-compose.yml for use with docker-compose; it uses the Dockerfile provided as its base. Build and start the image using:

$ docker-compose up -d --build

At this point, you can visit http://localhost:8080 to see the site running.

You can also run composer from the image. The container environment is named "zf", so you will pass that value to docker-compose run:

$ docker-compose run zf composer install


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This website is built using zend-expressive and it runs on PHP 7.
