
Endings and Beginnings: Goodbye, and Please Welcome the Laminas Project!

New Year's Eve 2019 marked a new era for Zend Framework. That day, the community migrated the Zend Framework code base to its new homes on GitHub, marking its shift to becoming the Laminas Project. Up until that day, the Zend Framework was single-handedly ... (continue)

From Zend to Laminas

Since its inception, Zend Technologies, and later Rogue Wave Software, has been single-handedly leading and sponsoring the Zend Framework project. Over the years, Zend Framework has seen wide adoption across the PHP ecosystem, with an emphasis on the Enter ... (continue)

Zend Framework/Homestead Integration

Last year, we wrote about using Laravel Homestead with ZF projects. Today, we contributed some changes to Homestead to simplify setting it up to serve Apigility, Expressive, and Zend Framework projects. As of version 7.6.0, Homestead users can now define s ... (continue)

PHP 7.2 Support!

With Expressive 3 complete, we were able to turn our sights on another important initiative: PHP 7.2 support across all components and Apigilty modules. The short story is: as of today, that initiative is complete! If you are using the Zend Framework MVC f ... (continue)

Async Expressive? Try Swoole!

When we were finalizing features for Expressive 3, we had a number of users testing using asynchronous PHP web servers. As a result, we made a number of changes in the last few iterations to ensure that Expressive will work well under these paradigms. Spec ... (continue)

Expressive 3!

Yesterday, we tagged and released Expressive 3! Expressive 3 provides a middleware microframework. Create a new Expressive application using Composer: $ composer create-project zendframework/zend-expressive-skeleton The installer will prompt you for your ... (continue)

Expressive 3.0.0RC2 released

This week, we've worked on backports from Expressive 3 to Expressive 2, and, in the process, identified a few issues with how the routing package handles implicit HEAD and OPTIONS requests. As a result, we've just released 3.0.0rc2: ... (continue)

Expressive 3.0.0RC1 is now ready!

We've been working diligently the past three weeks to finalize API changes and new features for the Expressive 3.0 release, and are pleased to announce immediate availability of our first release candidate, 3.0.0rc1! Why RC and not beta? Why the jump from ... (continue)

Expressive 3 Alpha 3

Today, we pushed the final changes and fixes that culminated in the Expressive Installer and Skeleton 3.0.0alpha3 release! The alpha releases have a ton of great features; keep reading to find out more! Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 We released 3.0.0alpha1 on Tuesd ... (continue)

Expressive 3 Preview

Last week, the PSR-15 working group voted to start its review phase. PSR-15 seeks to standardize server-side request handlers and middleware, and both Stratigility and Expressive have been implementing draft specifications since their version 2 releases. E ... (continue)



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